取得联系以下是如何与我们Here's how to get in touch with us:
Telephone: 01223 354595Mobile : 07877510940 Fax: Email: butterflyhairsalon@hotmail.co.uk 你可以使用下面的表格,如果您对我们的服务或其他意见,对我们的任何问题。我们期待着您的回音.You can use the form below if you have any questions about our services or other comments for us. We look forward to hearing from you.
拨打电话预约或步入式也欢迎.Phone call for appointments, walk-in also welcome
蝴蝶美の髪Butterfly Hair Salon 91 King Street Cambridge CB1 1LD Telephone : 01223 354595Mobile : 07877510940